Attention: Info Product Creators, Coaches, Authors, Creatives, and Online Entrepreneurs…
“Are You Tired Of Endlessly Creating Content That Feels Like It Goes Nowhere And Of Being Told That Repurposing Is The Answer?”
[It’s About So Much More Than Repurposing…It’s Called Syndication!]
There Has to Be a Faster Path to Profiting From Your Content…THERE IS! – And I Can Help You By Teaching You What I Have Created with Syndication Optimization!
I’m Connie Ragen Green and I have been working exclusively online since 2006. When I first encountered the world of online marketing back in the early fall of 2005, I was enthralled with the idea of “making money while I slept”. I soon discovered that this was hard work and set about to learn as much as I could during my every waking hour. And one part of being an online entrepreneur was glaringly obvious to me immediately…I was going to have to create content and get it out to people all over the world who would resonate with my message. Once I figured out this piece of the puzzle my business began to grow exponentially. Now I want to teach you how to do the same exact thing with my new “Syndication Optimization” training course.
I want to teach you how to develop your content creation, marketing, and syndication skills, quickly and easily by using the proven strategies I have been developing over this past year…
Introducing: Syndication Optimization
…A Revolutionary New Training Program for Online Entrepreneurs to Help You Easily Share Your Content So You Will Become Profitable Online During 2025… And Beyond
“Syndication Optimization” Will Teach You:
- How to publish a single piece of content each week and have it serve you for years to come
- Why using PLR (private label rights) content is a smart way to increase your content output
- When to ask others to create content for you and to have them excited to be included
- How to freshen up your years’ old content and bring it back to life as part of your syndication queue
Are You Finally Ready to Take an Objective Look at Where You Are Right Now and to Evaluate Your Most Logical Next Steps? If So, Then Please Allow Me to Help You Move Forward Quickly in a Manner That Make Sense So You May Increase Your Online Income (or Start Earning For the First Time) and Grow Your Online Business to Earn Substantial Income During 2025 and Beyond. You Will Step Into Your Power as a Successful Entrepreneur to Achieve Your Goals.
Please Join Me for “Syndication Optimization” Today!
Syndicating the Content You Create Will Change Your Life!
During my twenty years working as a classroom teacher I believed that I was an average person with very little potential. Even though I loved my students and teaching them each day, I longed for some recognition and validation that I possessed at least a spark of something special. But that day never came.
Now I understand that it was me holding myself back for all of those years. We are all special and have that spark of magic. I could see it in my students but not in myself.
The Day I Discovered The Secrets of Becoming a Content Creator and Publisher and Then Marketing and Syndicating That Content Was the Day I Decided to Leave the Classroom at the End of That School Year and to Reinvent Myself as a Home Based Online Entrepreneur!
What you need is the whole story from someone who’s been there. That person is me. I went from earning no money at all online during the first part of 2006 to replacing my previous income during my first eighteen months online, to now earning thirteen times as much as I did while I was working as a classroom teacher and doing real estate part-time as a broker and residential appraiser.
I’ll Be Teaching You Strategies and Methods That Can Be Accomplished Very Quickly. You’re the Entrepreneur, So It’s Completely Up To You!
We All Possess The Ability That Helps Us Communicate Our Message To Other Human Beings…This Ability Is Relayed Online Through Our Content And Will Enable You To Earn More Income Than You Ever Thought Possible
It’s storytelling at its finest and comes naturally to all human beings. You can optimize your content syndication by pulling this single thread through everything you share on the internet.
This isn’t a training on the theory of content creation. Theory has its place, but this training course – Syndication Optimization – is about the practical side of increasing and honing your content creation by using proven strategies strategically. I have personally tested and refined everything I am teaching you so I know it works well. And you can do this from anywhere in the world! Over the past thirteen years my business has carried on profitably from the beaches of southern California, internet cafes across Europe, remote areas of Asia, across the United States during a twenty-one day, seventeen state road trip, islands throughout the Caribbean, as well as from my home offices in both Santa Barbara and Santa Clarita, California. This is all thanks to the content creation and syndication I continue to use. I’ll teach you exactly how to do the same thing, in a way that suits your lifestyle and goals.
My Motto Is To “Keep It Simple”
Just as I do with my Online Marketing Incubator and Platinum Mastermind clients, my goal with this training is to keep it all simple. By this I mean that you will only be exposed to what you need and what is working for me and for other successful online marketers during 2025 when it comes to content. My promise to you is to not waste any of your valuable and precious time with training that is not absolutely crucial to your success.
You May Already Be Syndicating Your Content Without Being Aware Of It!
If you have ever written a blog post or created content for audio, video, or as a slide show and then shared it to a third party platform, you were syndicating. But if you did this once and did not make a conscious effort to set up this content to be shared for at least the next two years you missed the point of optimizing your syndication. And if you did this all by yourself, you deprived your colleagues of the opportunity to help you while helping yourself. I’ll make sure this never happens again by teaching you some simple, yet powerful strategies.
Online entrepreneurship is a worthy goal, and one that can only be accomplished by doing it, not by continuing to learn more and more and not applying anything directly to what you are working to achieve. Creating, marketing, and syndicating your content will become second nature to you in no time at all. This training builds upon what you already know intuitively, and you will find this out for yourself as you take directed action throughout the “Syndication Optimization” training.
Because I’ve been doing this full time since 2006, I feel uniquely qualified to help you move forward in the right way. And your success as an online entrepreneur is my greatest reward! Come aboard and prosper with my help!
Regularly I am asked whether or not the window of opportunity has already closed for new online marketers and entrepreneurs when it comes to building a profitable and sustainable business. This is my take on that…
The Problem…You believe that creating content on a regular schedule is too tedious and time consuming and isn’t important for your future as an entrepreneur. You feel like this could just be a big waste of your time, energy, and money with little or no payoff to show for it.
The Solution…My “Syndication Optimization” training will turn you into a relevant, effective, and unstoppable online entrepreneur. I’ll teach you step by step how to further develop and also reinvigorate your content creation, marketing, and syndication for massive success. Hard work and dedication now will turn your dreams and goals into your reality very soon.
Earlier I Promised to Share…
Earlier I promised to share with you how just one of these content syndication strategies has earned me more than 100K over the past 12 months in additional revenue and income. The strategy involves sharing my content on social media, and on Twitter (I’ve now tweeted 69,828 times since April of 2008, all in just a few minutes a day) more specifically. I am able to reach out to others and to engage in conversations with people at all levels. Then I connect further with the people who would most benefit from my books, information products, online courses, live events, and mentoring and soon they realize almost no one is willing to help them like I am.
I did this most recently in the middle of August, 2024 and added five new clients and one speaking engagement through five tweets, two emails, and one phone call! It was all because of the authority and credibility I have created with ongoing syndication of my content. I’ll teach you how to use this strategy for yourself as well, and the sky is not the limit with what you can achieve in every area of your life and business as a result.
This is What You Will Experience in My “Syndication Optimization” Training:
- As you begin to understand the hows and whys behind content syndication, all aspects of your life will feel lighter, easier, and more doable
- Knowing exactly why people buy and say yes to buying decisions will energize you with your own syndication ideas
- You’ll learn how to share your personal story, without oversharing, as a way to serve your prospects and customers
- Serving others, within your family, in your community, and in business will be a joyous and effective process
- Becoming a highly skilled content syndicator will spill over into everything you do, giving you the Midas touch
I may be slightly oversimplifying here, but my motto to “Keep It Simple” truly is the path to great success for you as an online entrepreneur. And failing forward more than half of the time is okay. I’m living proof that you can regularly fail more than half of the time and still earn seven figures as an entrepreneur. Creating a profitable online business is simple, once I teach you what continues to work for me, as well as what does not work so you can save time by learning from my experiences. What’s the secret, you may be asking?
You need a way to have total control over how much money you earn, and how much time it takes you to do that. I have continued to increase my income each year since making my first sale in 2006, and you can do the same exact thing, once you learn and implement the syndication strategies you will learn here.
Imagine having the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. Online entrepreneurship is the best way to get started with this lifestyle, is definitely a “hedge against inflation”, and you never know where it might lead you in the future. And it all begins with embracing the mindset of a successful content creator, publisher, and syndicating machine!
Reinventing Yourself as a Confident, Knowledgeable, and Caring Content Syndicator Who Serves and Delivers is the Secret…and These Are Valuable, Lifelong Skills You Will Learn Quickly From Me
Helping others is rewarding and satisfying, and reaching and connecting with them with what you have to offer is the first step. Imagine the feeling of being able to help people around the world with the information products, online courses, books, coaching, and other services they need and want. They will be forever grateful to you as their trusted advisor. By making a name for yourself and becoming a trusted advisor in your niche with these strategies you will change the direction of your life and financial future forever.
I worked as a classroom teacher for twenty years, and during that time I had absolutely no control over my income. One year the union had us go on strike for two weeks, and I had zero income during that time. If I hadn’t been working part-time in real estate on the side, my house payment and other bills would have been late or not paid at all. Having your own online business is the best hedge against inflation and a weak economy.
I’ve been working exclusively online since 2006, so it just makes sense that I’ve had more opportunities based on this longevity. I became a “super affiliate” with just a few hundred names on my list, count most other successful online marketers as friends and have them on speed dial, and have access to some of the most brilliant minds now working online. If you’re just getting started, have no list or a list of fewer than a hundred names, it makes sense that you will need different tactics and strategies to rise to the level you want and need as an entrepreneur. And that is exactly why I feel uniquely qualified to take you by the hand and move you closer to where you want to be by implementing what you learn in this training on syndicating your content to optimize your business.
The Training Included in “Syndication Optimization”…
- Your Training Guide – 20K Words/More Than 60 Pages – Where I Share Everything You Need to Immediately Embark on Your Journey to Becoming an Effective Content Syndicator
- A Detailed Addendum (More than 19K words/98 pages) Containing Additional Lessons, Resources, and Updates
- Audio (mp3) and Video (mp4) Replays of All 39 Previous Live Training Sessions
- Video Demonstrations of How to Initially Syndicate Your Content on the Internet
- Followup With Me During Our One-on-One Consultation to Discover How You May Amplify Your Skills
- Additional and Bonus Ongoing LIVE Webinar Trainings (March 29th, 2025 is our next one!) on Relevant Topics to Flesh Out Your Knowledge Quickly
I could have charged at least 10 times as much for this training, but it is my goal to make this affordable for as many people as possible. It would be my honor and pleasure to share these concepts and strategies with you to help you become a leader in your niche and an incredibly effective content syndicator!
- A One-On-One Mentoring Session With Me…to Be Completed By the End of December, 2025
- The Opportunity to Be Mentioned on My Social Media Platforms With Your Posts and Content
- Recommendations For Technical Assistance And Other Outsourcers From My Personal Rolodex
- An Opportunity To Have Me Promote You and Your Products Through Your Affiliate Link
- Ongoing Access to Training Webinars to Learn Even More
“Syndication Optimization” is Perfect For You If You Are New Online, or Have Been Online for Awhile and Still Are Not Earning Steady Income – We’re Live Again on March 29th, 2025!
Please Come Aboard for This Amazing, Ongoing Training!
P.S. You Have My Personal Guarantee on This Training Course. If You Are Not Fully Satisfied at Any Time After Purchasing, Your Investment Will Be Refunded Promptly and Without Question.
P.P.S. This “Syndication Optimization” Training has become my most popular ongoing program! Do Not Hesitate to Come Aboard and Get Started With the Proven Strategies I Will Teach You Here.
What Others Have To Say About Me…
It’s your integrity, your servant heart, and quality courses that have kept me as a customer for so many years. Not too long after I found you, I ordered a course, twice. Quietly, behind the scenes, you credited my account. How did I find out? I noticed it on my statement. That act revealed that you were a woman of integrity; one I wanted to continue to do business with and to learn from.~ Joyce Heiser
If I didn’t already know you, I would want to. ~ Faylee James
Just to say how much I enjoy your training courses, and how helpful I find them. I appreciate the effort and personal touches you put into it, too. ~ Alex Rowan
Connie gave me back my time and my sanity with her no-nonsense productivity and marketing training. Yes, you can earn six figures a year in less than twenty hours a week… if you use those 20 hours the way Connie will teach you! ~ Becky Gates-Howard
I’m a fan. I have two of your books. Thanks for being a great teacher and writer. ~ Tony Marino
Connie has a gift for communicating large concepts in ways that make communication possible. She speaks a kind of language that is engaging and easy to comprehend, and this is what students like. I’ve been teaching online and offline courses for a number of years. I took Connie’s program because I wanted to see someone else’s system. I like Connie’s methodology, and I’m glad I took her course. Thanks, Connie. You’re a wonderful teacher. ~ Marilyn Gordon
Thank you, Connie for making it possible for me to “make money while I sleep.” You are helping me get closer to my dream of retiring at 50 and living my life on my terms. ~ Karla Nagerian